
Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Lecture Series: Sons & Daughters of Noble Family

Gold Fan

Suggested Donation $15/talk
And please register for the talk below.


David Sable

Jim Gritz

Date & Time Details:

September 2024



Program Fee:


Heart Gift:

Donation gift to the teacher.
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Contact Us:

Karmê Chöling
(802) 633-2384

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Join David Sable and Jim Gritz for a discussion on Tsoknyi Rinpoche:

  • James Gritz will take us on a photographic journey to Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s nunnery in Nangchen, Tibet, and
  • David Sable will describe how Tsoknyi Rinpoche has adapted teachings methods for western students

Register Free of Charge on this page
Presentations are in English and Spanish.
Previous talks are available online at:
Sons and Daughters of Noble Family

Zoom channel
Meeting ID: 892 4128 3649
Passcode: 104853

Sons & Daughters Series

A Lecture Series:
Over the course of 2024, join more than twenty individuals who began their Buddhist path as students of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, or within the Vajradhatu / Shambhala community, and who have continued walking the path of dharma in an amazing variety of ways.

Guest speakers will describe how they entered the path, how they continued their dharma training (within or without the Vajradhatu / Shambhala organization), what teachers they have studied with, and what kinds of training they sought. They will also speak about what aspects of the dharma they have been emphasizing in their own roles as students and/or teachers and will leave ample time for questions and discussion.

Through this sharing of experiences, participants can explore the richness of our greater Vajradhatu / Shambhala extended dharma family, learn more about close teachers and other thriving dharma communities.


David Sable
David Sable

David Sable was the first head of organic garbage at Tail of the Tiger in Vermont, Trungpa Rinpoche’s first land center in North America in 1971. David aspired to drive the tractor, but as a city boy who commuted back and forth to New York in the early years he was not allowed. After several years of sitting practice at least an hour a day, he finally earned permission and became the retreat coordinator, delivering water and food to retreatants by tractor and snowmobile with many mishaps.

David was regarded as a good talker and, being in the right place at the right time, David was approved as a meditation instructor and teacher. Once he married Trudy, who was also a good talker, David was regarded as talking too much. They were appointed as the Directors of the Maitri Center in Wingdale, NY, to work with less talkative students, but it didn’t happen. Instead, David and Trudy were sent to Washington, DC where there were lots of people who were very talkative. David probably talked too much, but he was Trungpa Rinpoche’s Ambassador for eight years so he thought it came with the position.

He and Trudy then returned to the New York area where some of the greatest talkers in the world were, and then they moved to Nova Scotia. After some time, David and Trudy became students of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso, who hit David on the head when he talked too much, Sakyong Mipham, who sometimes refused to talk to him, and since 2015 Tsoknyi Rinpoche who uses pantomime to get through to people like David. David loves education and he teaches Buddhism at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax. He is working on a book, "Mindfulness and Contemplative Interaction: a Transformative Way of Learning in Higher Education."

Jim Gritz
Jim Gritz

James Gritz has been creating photographs for over 40 years. He has photographed extensively in India, Nepal, Cambodia, Ladakh, Tibet, Africa, Mexico, Galapagos, Borneo, Belize, and Europe. His specialties include travel, portraits, food, architecture, fine art and street photography. His work has been published in books and magazines and exhibited in the United States and Mexico.

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