
Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Tendzin Wangyal & Other Eminent Bön Teachers

Lecture Series: Sons & Daughters of Noble Family

Gold Fan

Suggested Donation $15/talk
And please register for the talk below.


Kelly Smith

Jan Cressman

Date & Time Details:

October 2024



Program Fee:


Heart Gift:

Donation gift to the teacher.
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Contact Us:

Karmê Chöling
(802) 633-2384

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Join Kelly Smith and Jan Cressman for a discussion on Dzigar Kongtrul, Tendzin Wangyal and other eminent Bön teachers.

Noble Sons & Daughters Series

A Lecture Series:
Over the course of 2024, join more than twenty individuals who began their Buddhist path as students of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, or within the Vajradhatu / Shambhala community, and who have continued walking the path of dharma in an amazing variety of ways.

Guest speakers will describe how they entered the path, how they continued their dharma training (within or without the Vajradhatu / Shambhala organization), what teachers they have studied with, and what kinds of training they sought. They will also speak about what aspects of the dharma they have been emphasizing in their own roles as students and/or teachers and will leave ample time for questions and discussion.

Through this sharing of experiences, participants can explore the richness of our greater Vajradhatu / Shambhala extended dharma family, learn more about close teachers and other thriving dharma communities.


Kelly Smith
Kelly Smith

Kelly Smith (formerly Moone) met Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1978 in Boulder Colorado. She subsequently attended the '82, '84, '86 and '92 Seminaries. She lived in Halifax from 1987 to 1991, returning to Colorado to be on staff at Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, where she met Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche in 1992. In 1995 she was invited to build a retreat cabin at Longchen Jigme Samten Ling Retreat Center in Crestone Colorado and has lived there since 1996 practicing in the Longcthen Nyinthik tradition. Having trained as an architect, she has been able to assist Rinpoche in bringing his vision of establishing his lineage to the west, especially in the building of the Sangdo Palri Temple in Crestone.

Jan Cressman

As a student of VCTR, Jan Cressman served the Shambhala community in many ways from co-director of Marpa House in its formative stage, to manager of Kensington’s jewelry store, to associate director of Shambhala International. Since 2005, Jan has been a student of Bön, studying first with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, and currently with Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche and Khenchen Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche. Jan lives with her partner on a lake in the forest of the South Shore of Nova Scotia, and works as a contemplative psychotherapist at Dynamic Balance Centre for Occupational Therapy and Counselling.

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