
Learn to Meditate

Beginners welcomed!

Learn To Meditate Karme Choling

Join us for one of our Open House series classes. We provide free sitting and walking meditation instruction. Beginning to advanced meditators are welcomed!

Basic sitting meditation Instruction will be available throughout the morning.

Everyone is invited to join the Karmê Chöling Staff and Residents for this half-day meditation retreat.

There is no charge for this open house, but we do ask that you register so we know how many to expect.

We hope to see you in there!


The day will begin at 9am with meditation instruction, opening chants, and sitting meditation. If weather permits, there will be outdoor walking meditation sessions. You do not need to commit to the full morning, but may come and go as needed.

The session will end at 12:30pm.
Lunch is optional and will be offered at 12:30pm. We ask for a $10 donation to cover the cost of the meal. Please let us know you are planning to attend lunch by notifying us by email: