Milarepa Day
Chanting "The Rain of Wisdom"

What is Milarepa Day?
Milarepa Day is when we celebrate the extraordinary life story and enlightenment of one of Tibet's most revered Buddhist saints. On this day, we chant from The Rain of Wisdom, a compilation of "songs of realization" from the great meditators of the Kagyu lineage. Milarepa’s wisdom and teachings were passed down through these songs which are expressions of deep insight into the nature of mind and the path to enlightenment. Their beauty and intensity have made them famous in Tibetan literature. This collection was first compiled by Mikyo Dorje, the eighth Karmapa and then translated into English by the Nalanda Translation Committee under the supervision of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Why is Milarepa so important?
Because he is an example of traveling the entirety of the spiritual path in one lifetime. With the guidance of a teacher, he went from being a murderer to being completely enlightened! Dedicating himself to intense spiritual practice with years of rigorous meditation and self-discipline, he purified his past negative actions and ultimately reached spiritual realization. He illustrates the power of the teachings when they meet extraordinary exertion and devotion. His resulting wisdom attracted many disciples and he eventually became the greatest yogi of the Kagyu Lineage. He taught his students through songs of realization and many spiritual masters who came after him followed his example. (Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche is a contemporary example) The collection of these songs was compiled into the book entitled The Rain of Wisdom.
Milarepa Day Schedule
Feel free to join in for the morning or the afternoon, or even just for one session. Please arrive in time to enter and leave the shrine room only during the scheduled break periods, not during the chanting itself.
Local tantrikas are invited to volunteer to be Readers, Umdze & gate/gekko when you register. Knowing what times you are planning to be present is useful, someone will be in touch to schedule specific times.
- 8:30 am Center opens; set up
- 9:00 am Morning Chants,
Milarepa Sadhana, and
Reading from the Rain of Wisdom - 10:30 am – 15 min break
- 10:45 am Reading continues
- 12:30 pm Lunch (by donation of $15)
- 1:30 pm Reading continues
- 3:00 pm – 15 min break
- 3:15 pm Reading continues
- 5:00 pm 15 min break
- 5:15 pm Reading continues / Concluding Chants
- 6:30 pm Dinner (by donation of $15)
If you have a copy of The Rain of Wisdom, please bring it with you! The Center has some copies that can be shared.
This program is offered free but we do need you to register
RSVP requested. Registration is needed so we can anticipate how many will be here and so you can let us know if you plan to stay for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.
Donations to the center are greatly appreciated and cheerfully accepted. To give a donation you can visit KCL's donation page

Janet Romaine is a Buddhist teacher and meditation instructor, who has been teaching Shambhala Training since 1980. She is a now-retired professor of business at Saint Anselm College. She lives in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Janet Romaine
Date & Time Details:
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Donation gift to the teacher.
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Karmê Chöling
(802) 633-2384
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