Celebrating Milarepa
Weekend Program

Who is Milarepa?
This weekend we will celebrate the extraordinary life story and enlightenment of one of Tibet's most revered Buddhist saints, Milarepa. He is an example of traveling the entirety of the spiritual path in one lifetime. With the guidance of a teacher, he went from being a murderer to being completely enlightened! Dedicating himself to intense spiritual practice with years of rigorous meditation and self-discipline, he purified his past negative actions and ultimately reached spiritual realization. He illustrates the power of the teachings when they meet extraordinary exertion and devotion. His resulting wisdom attracted many disciples and he eventually became the greatest yogi of the Kagyu Lineage. Milarepa taught his students through songs of realization and many spiritual masters who came after him followed his example.
Events & Activities
Please join us for any or all of this weekend's events. Click on the links for more details and information.
- Friday Evening: An introductory talk and discussion on Milarepa
- Saturday: We will take the day to chant from The Rain of Wisdom. The Rain of Wisdom is a compilation of the teachings from Milareapa handed down through the lineage holders of the Kagyu lineage. They are beautifully poetic and heart-felt. By the end of the day it really does feel like you've been through a Rain of Wisdom!
- Saturday Evening: A movie on Milarepa
- Sunday morning: Half-day Meditation (or half-nyinthun) This is a straightforward 3-hour session of sitting medition. You'll have lots to contemplate after Saturday's reading.
This program's tuition is offered free but we do need you to register
If you are from out of town you can reserve your accommodations. (These do have a fee) If you are local you can pay for your meals by selecting the "Commuter" option.
Donations to the teacher or the center are greatly appreciated. To give a donation you can visit KCL's donation page
Arrival & Departure
Friday, please arrive 3:00 - 6:00pm for registration.
Dinner will be served at 6:30pm.
The program will officially begin at 7:30pm.
On Sunday, the program will finish by 12:30pm with lunch afterwards.

Janet Romaine is a Buddhist teacher and meditation instructor, who has been teaching Shambhala Training since 1980. She is a now-retired professor of business at Saint Anselm College. She lives in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Janet Romaine
Date & Time Details:
Program Fee:
Heart Gift:
Donation gift to the teacher.
Make a heart gift
Wellness Update:
Read our Wellness Policy
Getting to Karmê Chöling:
Contact Us:
Karmê Chöling
(802) 633-2384
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