COVID Household Guidelines
This is a Living Document
Subject to change without notice
Updated 1.10.23
The purpose of the household COVID policy is to reduce the likelihood of a household-wide COVID outbreak. The KCL community includes household members that are at high-risk for serious COVID illness and/or hospitalization.
When to Mask:
- When you leave the land, please wear a N95 mask in any indoor space where it is not possible to maintain social distancing (at least 6 ft between you and other people), where there is poor ventilation, or where there is a high level of COVID present (e.g. hospital).
- When you go to a restaurant, please wear a N95 mask any time you are not sitting at your table.
- If you have any flu/cold symptoms, we require you to mask until symptoms subside. While you have symptoms you will not be able to unmask, even if you test negative for COVID.
- If you leave the bubble, you may have to wear a mask when you return to KCL; see “Leaving/Returning to the Bubble” below.
- If you have COVID or have been exposed to COVID you will have to mask and follow additional procedures; see appropriate sections below.
- We require all household and bubble members to be vaccinated. We strongly encourage everyone to receive the most recent booster - bivalent (for 2 strains of COVID). Living in community puts you at higher risk of contracting and transmitting COVID.
Leaving/Returning to the Bubble:
- If you go on an overnight trip outside the bubble OR do not wear a N95 mask in a crowded/high-risk indoor venue (see “When to Mask” above) OR use public transit to arrive at KCL (ex. air travel, bus travel, train travel, etc), we will ask you to follow the current protocols to re-enter the bubble (see OVERNIGHT STAY/RETREATS). -
- We highly encourage you to wear a mask on public transportation and in densely populated areas where COVID transmission is more likely to occur to reduce your chances of bringing COVID back to KCL.
- If you contract COVID while away, KCL will ask you to delay your return to KCL if that is possible.
If you have been exposed to COVID:
- Test 7 days after your exposure and mask for 10 days (day 1 = day of exposure).
If you contract COVID:
- If you contract COVID, KCL will ask you to quarantine in your room/ room assigned to you for 5 days (eating meals in your room, bathing in single-use bathrooms, and masking indoors) and you will be asked to mask indoors for an additional 5 days after your quarantine for a total of 10 days from the onset of symptoms or/and positive COVID test (ex. Day you test positive = Day 0, next day = Day 1). You can unmask after 10 days if:
- Your symptoms are receding,
- You haven't had a fever in the previous 24 hours and
- You didn't need to take medication in the last 24 hours in order to keep a fever down
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